Printing Dos Program Usb Printer

Connecting an MS-Dos Application to a Printer on a USB Port on Windows 2000 by Curtis Krauskopf. The DataFlex program will print to the LPT port and Windows will.
I presume the MS-DOS is a window within XP? Have you ever printed this MS-DOS report to this printer in the past? Does the DOS program support this printer? (a driver or a generic driver that will work with this printer) The program needs to communicate properly with the printer (regardless of the port being used) Now days programs hand all printer data off to Windows and Windows communicates to the printer. In DOS each program communicated directly with printer and each program had to have it own driver. DOS was never designed to work with any form of USB Device. About the only thing that I can think of is to find a PCI to Parallel Port Card and use that. Wmi Query Local Printer Serial Number.
That should allow yo to print again if your M'Board will support the PCI Card and doesn't have all PCI X slots on it. I'm betting that the USB to Parallel Device didn't come with any DOS Drivers so you are relying on Windows to try to make the printer work and it is currently only capable of sending 1 line per page and sort of work correctly. I agree with one of the other posts that adding a parallel port is probably your best option.
Printing to a file or Redirecting the output to a file If at all possible upgrade the program to a Windows version (strongly suggest going in this direction sometime in future, saves hair and prevents headaches) Keep trying do something that neither was meant to do. (USB & DOS are like oil & water) OK that said. Search on Google for USB DOS drivers. They do exist, may not work, but they do exist.
If one of the DOS USB drivers load OK, try printing again. Also look into the MODE command. Hp Ewa Keygen Download Bandicam on this page. One of the options is to redirect printing from LPTx to COMx. Maybe after a USB DOS driver is loaded you could try USBx.
Driver Plotter Canon Bj-w3000 Per Windows 7 here. This may work better than NET USE Have you setup a shortcut to start the program or Do you start a DOS box and then run the program from the command line? You could try setting the compatibility mode for the shortcut (maybe Windows95) Can't say I can think of much else at this point.