Hp Officejet Incorrect Color Cartridge Installed Definition

Hi, First, NEVER use a refurbished color cartridge. Windows 7 Starter Snpc Oa Hp Iso here. Since your OLD color cartridge is also now giving you the 'remove and check color cartridge' error, then the cartridge itself can't be the entire problem. Here is what I suggest: 1. Get rubbing alcohol on a Q tip cotton swab and rub it gently on ends of the gold contacts in the carriage. There will probably be significant amount of ink overspray.
While you are at it, you might want to do the black side, too. Keep going with additional swabs until the swab is clean after wiping is done. Wipe the contact copper area on the back of each cartridge with rubbing alcohol on a swab or facial tissue. Reinsert cartridge. If you still get a 'remove and check color cartridge' error, then wiggle the cartridge in and out a couple of times and insert a bit firmly, then put the top down onto it.
Install ink cartridge in hp printer. HP OfficeJet 6835. Fade-resistant color provides superior results and brilliant, true-to-life images that last for. The 'incorrect color cartridge installed' message appeared and the printer stopped. I putzed around with taking the cartridge out, putting it back, cleaning the contacts on the cartridge and the cartridge holder, turning the machine off and on.
Canon G7 Firmware Updates. If all of the above fails, replace the carriage itself or (more easily) the entire carriage assembly.