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I have a new laptop. Upgraded from Windows 8 to 8.1 this week. My home page on IE11 is When I land on this page, there is a news story near the top, with five icons of the next five stories below. But there is a right arrow that will display the next 5 stories and so forth. Usually 40 to 60 stories.
Graduates of Pittsburgh Technical Institute - the names, photos, skill, job, location. Information on the Pittsburgh Technical Institute - contacts, students, faculty.

I can see the first 5 icons but if I left click the right arrow for the next five stories, there are no icons and there nothing to click on for those next stories. Or if I just wait, the stories will advance like a slide show.
But when this slideshow changes from 5 to 6, its blank, just as if I hit the right arrow. This is a change from win8 to win8.1 Anyone got any ideas? Thanks in advance Chuck. Hello retired, I read same articles. My first question in my mind when i read about 'virus scares' for OS X is this: who benefits from this 'scare?'
Mostly the companies that invent and sell virus protection for Mac users. OS X is nearly virus proof.except when you start cross platforming using software that effectively turns your Mac into a Windows platform utilizing same Windows protocols. Common sense and good judgement when visiting other sites, viewing email attachments and other protection techniques already mentioned at this forum are the best protection against any possible virus infection. This is my first post on the Comcast forum, and I'm sorry it has to be a negative viewpoint. I've had Comcast for some years now and I appreciate the professionalism this company has generally displayed with their headlines on the home page and in most other areas as well.
However in their 'Headline News Section' of the home page they are missing the point. Canon Printer Drivers Pixma Mp 800 Ink. I believe this area is for news of import. Not the stories of celeb's, or who is in love with who, or for that matter Anna Nicholes death! This tabloid mentality in this section is completely out of place. There are other headline venues which scroll past, that these stories would fit in nicely.Please Comcast, I implore you to rethink your strategy in placing the tabloid articles in the news section. Descargar Driver Canon I560 Para Xp. This is no place for 'Cheerleaders cut for skimpy clothes', or other such tripe. They have their place, but it's not in the 'News Section'.Dogbert.
Hello,I've been updating news stories on my web site on a weekly basis. I've run into something that goes beyond my understanding could anyone shed some light on this?If you go to scroll down to the bottom of the iframe and hit more news you'll be at the actual page I'm having this problem with. The second story down about hazardous waste won't behave for me.
All the other stories I cut and paste into the site stay within my iframe when I click the link, but this one doesn't. It breaks out and takes the viewer to their website and what's more traps them there the back key won't work. Is this anything I can control? Epson Me10 Printer Resetter Free Download. Thank you! I'm using the content editor web part to display a news story and then at the bottom of the story I have a link to archived stories.
That takes you to a custom list with the remaining stories, but the view is the title on the left and the body on the right. I'd like to have that list display the title on the top with a few lines of the story below it and have the remaining stories below that with the newest first. Is a custom list the best way to do this? If so, how can I change the view so the title is on top of the story with just a couple of lines of the story displaying and remaining stories below that? Epson Wic Reset Key Crack more. Has selling on helped you start a new business; afford something you've always wanted or even just provided you with some extra pocket money? We want to know!