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Not sure if this is the correct forum. I'm following a tut at:. After many hours of frustration I decided to start again (I do not have internet access 24/7). I had all this on my old XP box but the setup was far different. I have downloaded apache:httpd-2.4.18-win32-VC14, php-7.0.4-win32-VC14-x86.

MYSQL-installer-web-community-5.7.11.msi I need to add in Environment variables. PATH ENVIRONMENT (Control Panel System Properties Advanced Environment Variables System variables Path). Click 'new', I get a pop up box which asks for a name, is it ok just to use apache? Second, which of these is correct: 1;c: php;c: apache24;c: apache24 bin; 2 c: php;c: apache24;c: apache24 bin; 3. C: php;c: apache24;c: apache24 bin If none of the above please dont just answer with 'none', I would appreciate the correct answer. Thats it for now thanks, and its nice to be back learning. First things first.

Installing PHP and Apache have been done quite frequently by all I think and most of them know about it. But I believe some others might want to up to date installing VC9 PHP and Apache in windows. Open your browser and type, localhost/info.php for the location and you should receive alot of information about PHP. Hp Laserjet 1160 Driver For Windows 7 64 Bit Free Download. MySQL Download and install mysql-installer-community- installation directory to C: MySQL MySQL Server 5.6 instead of Program files as there could be permissions issues.

I'm an old man and not exactly computer savvy, please treat me like a complete dummy. Second, and probably the most important, I appreciate you taking the time to help. Download Free Technische Formelsammlung Gieck Pdf Printer. I only picked the win32 because that is what is in the tut, I was using all x64 with my first install that didn't work. I'm now thinking its this variable 'path' thing I got wrong. I haven't deleted anything out of 'C: ', just renamed the folders and started a new install, could quickly and easily go back to the previous install if you think best. So I highlight 'PATH', I still only have a couple of options 'edit' or 'new', so I take edit and are now in 'edit environment variables', again gives me a choice of edit, new, browse, or edit text.

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